Thursday, July 3, 2014

Olivia Munn


Lisa Olivia Munn (born July 3, 1980) is an American actress, comedian, model, television personality and author. She began her career being credited as Lisa Munn. Since 2006, she has been using the name Olivia Munn personally and professionally...
source: Wikipedia

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Olivia Munn - Roller Coaster

You sometimes feel that it is hard to express your energy fully, that something always holds you back. There is a feeling of "bashing your head against a brick wall" and this is frustrating. You are ambitious, and have the ability to slowly but surely reach your goals. You also have the ability to organise yourself and others, and good self discipline.



Your feel emotions deeply. You may seek reclusion when under stress. You have a strong empathy with your mother, and need to learn your own emotional boundaries.


TRINE MERCURY  Orb 3°24' Applying
You are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings with ease. You may be a charming person, at times manipulative. You have a talent for making decisions based on both your heart and mind.

SQUARE VENUS  Orb 4°26' Separating
You have difficulty expressing your feelings in relationships. You feel you cannot relax and be yourself when with your loved ones. Once you have learnt to reveal your feelings in a loving manner you will develop an understanding of relationships.

OPPOSITION MARS  Orb 5°27' Applying
Your struggle to express yourself assertively usually ends in conflict. Arguments and emotional disputes abound in your life. You may find that your loved ones are often angry. Letting off steam in sports or activities that demand high concentration will help you achieve a balance.

OPPOSITION SATURN  Orb 0°59' Applying
You feel abandoned and neglected by the loved ones in your life. No matter how hard you try you do not seem to be able to feel the warmth and caring that you need. As a young child you may have lacked warmth and comfort from a parent figure, probably mother. As an adult you may attract cold and withdrawn partners. Your lesson is to value yourself, to find the love within yourself, building your own sense of self-esteem.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 1°07' Applying
You are a unique individual with many enterprising ideas. You enjoy the freedom of expressing yourself in unconventional ways and may be attracted to exciting and different activities in which you excel.

SQUARE NEPTUNE  Orb 0°03' Applying
You are moody and prone to depression. You feel confused and caught  in a web of emotions.  Once you have learn to value the softer side of your nature you will direct your talents into creative pursuits.

QUINCUNX PLUTO  Orb 1°43' Separating

You can become obsessive and lose your objectivity. You need to slow down and broaden your horizons.


You are a caring and nurturing individual with a strong need for family and comfort. You may be emotional and fearful.


The Unaspected Sun can shine as no other, if the person can bring it up from it’s buried state and allow it expression. There are more famous people with Unaspected Suns than any Unaspected Planet. I can see this, as one would have a very unique way about himself, if he had to earn it and learn it, without help from “others”. Others are aspects, as they link planets. An Unaspected Planet is a feral child. He can, truly, go either way, as can an orphan. The Sun is our ego, our identity. If the Unaspected Sun has a buried identity and manages to bring it to the fore, he will, by the nature of the process, have a strong identity, which can burn like a pure flame, unlike another.



You place importance on communication within the family. Information about your family and its background is also important to you. For instance you may like to collect family photos or study family history. You look after yourself and others by communicating emotional issues.


SEXTILE MARS  Orb 2°03' Separating
You are a quick learner and can be perceptive.

SEXTILE SATURN  Orb 2°26' Applying
You are able to apply your mind to most activities in your life. You have a serious approach to learning.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 2°18' Applying
You have many original ideas which you are able to communicate with ease. You are insightful and may be ahead of your time in your ideas and opinions.

SQUARE PLUTO  Orb 5°07' Applying

You can be cruel in your speech. You suffer from obsessive thoughts and find it difficult to think positively and calmly. You are focused on your own thoughts and opinions and may not listen to others.

Download now Daily Horoscope Expert and find out what the experts say:

Filmography: Scarecrow Gone Wild, (2004), National Lampoon's Strip Poker (2004), The Road to Canyon Lake (2005), Big Stan (2007), Insanitarium (2008), The Slammin' Salmon (2009), Dave Knoll Finds His Soul (2009), Date Night (2010), Iron Man 2 (2010), I Don't Know How She Does It (2011), Magic Mike (2012), The Babymakers (2012), Freeloaders (2012), Unity (2014), Deliver Us from Evil (2014)

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