Friday, July 4, 2014

Fredo Santana


Fredo Santana was born “Derrick Coleman” in July 4th 1990. He is currently a rapper from Chicago, Illinois. Santana is Chief Keef’s older cousin, he is a co-CEO of Chief Keef’s record label Glory Boyz Entertainment (GBE). Fredo Santa is well known for his trap style of music, and a tattoo of a cross in his forehead. Fredo Santana like many of his fellow GBE members is associated with the criminal gang known as the “Black Disciples”. Santana can be heard saying the words “3Hunna” “300” in many of his songs. “3Hunna” and “300” are both alternate names that Black Disciples members refer to themselves and each other as... Hipwiki

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Fredo Santana - Blackout

You have a tendency to be seduced into believing other people's ideas. You are confused in your own thinking and can be deceived.



This soul is driven by the need for emotional freedom. It is repulsed by emotional neediness in another and can be insensitive. Impulsive acting out of fiery emotions, and then regretting them, is common.

The soul with this placement has developed detachment from the emotions in the past. Sagittarius has a problem with intimacy and the soul with this Moon may use discussion of feelings as a defense against actually having to feel the feelings. It seems much safer that way. The idea of emotions is fascinating – it is simply the challenge of being immersed in them that is difficult. One of the major tasks in life for this soul is to recognize and acknowledge not only its own feelings but those of other people. When the soul does share feelings, it can be brutally honest – Sagittarius is a tactless sign. A partner who asks “How do you feel?” may regret it!

This Moon carries the archetype of the courtesan, an intelligent, entertaining, and pleasurable companion but one who is rarely deeply committed to a relationship. The soul with this Moon prefers friendship – and is not averse to romance. It is commitment that is difficult for this freedom-loving sign, as is dealing with other people’s emotional needs, particularly if they come across as “needy.” Confronted with emotional challenges, the soul prefers a change of venue. The soul with this Moon is certain that the grass will be greener on the other side, life will be more exciting somewhere else. The response to any kind of emotional pressure or coercion is to leave. This can lead to insensitivity to other people’s feelings. However, if this soul uses its innate honesty and trust, then sharing feelings can bring joy.

The strongest need this Moon has is for freedom and the space to be whatever the soul wants to be at that moment. If the emotional ambience is not one of support to be free, then the soul will crave variety – this can be an unfaithful Moon. However, the Sagittarian Moon can have very strong, spontaneous needs – usually related to starting another relationship or moving on. So often this Moon pursues this fleeting need, only to regret it deeply later. The soul has the task of thinking first and acting later so that it can recognize exactly what it is it really needs.

The soul with the Sagittarian Moon seeks companionship and attention. Flattery panders to a fiery need to be noticed. This Moon can live off discussing feelings – preferably other people’s. Learning to be truly intimate could provide soul food.

This soul seeks a companionable mother, one who is playmate and co-explorer of the world. This archetypal Sagittarian Moon mother is spontaneous and freedom-loving. She enjoys her children but may lack discipline herself and therefore be unable to provide the guidelines a child needs. What the soul fears is that mother may be so busy exploring her own world, she will have little time for her child.

Lack of commitment and an inability to be intimate pass down through this lunar line. The family may “trust to luck” to get by, and may be none too honest in the process, so the child learns – or relearns – that being economical with the truth is acceptable. Exaggeration is also a facet of Sagittarius that runs down the family line – somehow things are not all that they are cracked up to be. There can be conflicts between a desire to tell the truth and a reluctance to reveal all. Emotional honesty is either brutally frank or nonexistent, with tact and diplomacy having little space in this home.

The soul with this role has been an explorer, a quester, and a questioner. It has sought, and perhaps fought for, freedom and independence. It may have been the conman who lived on his wits. It could just as easily have been a philanthropist or priest. Horses tend to feature strongly in past lives, as does transport.


OPPOSITION VENUS  Orb 6°21' Applying

You experience conflict  between your needs and the needs of other people. This can also mean that you are uncomfortable in social situations. Finding a balance may prove difficult but will mean greater understanding of the give and take needed in relationships.


You are a caring and nurturing individual with a strong need for family and comfort. You may be emotional and fearful.


CONJUNCTION MERCURY  Orb 2°25' Separating
You are an effective communicator. You enjoy intellectual stimulation, and look for avenues through which to communicate your ideas. You tend to talk forcefully about yourself and your interests but are less interested in listening to others.

You are optimistic and enthusiastic about life.  You express yourself in larger than life ways. You have a zest for life and like to be recognised. Teaching, and shining on a stage are attractive options.

OPPOSITION URANUS  Orb 5°04' Separating
Your impulsive and unpredictable nature is a source of conflict. You feel that others want to squash your individuality and you rebel. However, your wilful nature is preventing you from achieving your goals in life. You need to find a balance between your own original identity and the needs of other people.

OPPOSITION NEPTUNE  Orb 0°45' Applying
You allow other people to tell you how to live your life because of your own lack of confidence. You have a pleasing nature and wouldn't dream of upsetting other people. Your challenge is to use your artistic and sensitive nature for the benefit of other people without losing yourself. Spending time on your own could be helpful.

TRINE PLUTO  Orb 2°38' Applying
You are a powerful person with strong leadership abilities. You know when to be assertive and when to compromise. You are able to apply yourself to the job at hand.

CONJUNCTION CHIRON  Orb 5°37' Applying

You are wounded, either physically or emotionally. You are scared to express yourself because you are so sensitive to pain. At some stage in your early life you have suffered and this contributes to your adult fear of pain. You have a compassionate nature as you have the ability to understand other people's hurts.

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