Friday, July 4, 2014

Angelique Boyer


Angelique Boyer, born Angélique Monique Paulette Boyer Rousseau, on July 4, 1988 in Saint-Claude, Jura, France, is a French-born Mexican actress, model, and singer.

She started her career playing secondary roles in the telenovelas Rebelde, Muchachitas como tú, and Corazón Salvaje. In 2010, she was given her first protagonist role in Teresa, a remake of the 1959 telenovela...
source: Wikipedia

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Angelique Boyer - Time Bomb

You have difficulty being assertive. You fear that your requests will be met with anger, or you may fear your own anger. You may have a short fuse as you are easily hurt. You need to develop a strong sense of self worth and learn to honor your own way of doing things. You may also need to reassess your personal desires.



This is a sensitive moon that wants to escape from the realities of everyday life. Old patterns include the victim-martyr-savior, and the soul has been through many disappointment as it searches for the perfect relationship.

This moon remembers at a soul level what it was to have soul and Self joined with the divine. In the past, however, the soul sought this union through another person. The desire to be united may be so strong that any union, no matter how imperfect, is clung to – and hence relationships can be far from perfect. It is prone to illusions, delusions, and deceptions, the greatest of which is self-deception. As relationships rarely end at the emotional level, ties are brought forward from many lives. Another Pisces Moon ideal is that of self-sacrifice and self-immolation. Pisces immerses itself in pain and suffering. The urge is to take on suffering for others, the reality is to become a victim.

Archetypes of savior, victim, martyr, rescuer, and persecutor are deeply etched within the psyche. So known and familiar are they that the soul feels completely comfortable falling back into these roles. Lacking boundaries, the soul feels the pain of others acutely. Rather than having empathy, the Pisces Moon falls into sympathetic wallowing in pity.

There are overwhelming emotional needs. Pisces flows this way and that, helplessly reacting to each and every emotional stimulus. This soul sees itself reflected through other people. It has great difficulty in being separate. Its urge is to merge into another. It lives through emotions and symbiosis. Emotional demands on other people are high, and the soul resorts to emotional blackmail to keep a relationship – without which it fears it will die. Separation is an enormous trauma for this moon. The soul feels as if part of itself has been torn away. The need is to remain in the relationship, no matter how bad. A Pisces Moon rarely lets go of the past, especially partners. A great part of this soul’s neediness is expressed through the victim-martyr-savior syndrome. Wanting to save someone is an emotional desire. Becoming pulled into victimhood or martyrdom can be such an ingrained emotional pattern that the soul receives emotional satisfaction only when immersed in these roles. It confuses pity with love, sympathy with relationship. The soul needs to be needed. If needs are not met, then the soul seeks escape or solace in a bottle – alcohol, pills, etc. – or in beautiful fantasy. The dominant emotion is guilt, both personal and existential. This soul wants to atone, when it should be seeking at-one-ment with the divine.

This symbiotic Moon feeds off other people. What you desire is an emotionally melded relationship, which you see as blissful union. What would nurture you is union with your divine Self.

What the soul seeks is a sympathetic, sensitive mother who enjoys entering into a fantasy world with her child. What the soul expects is to be engulfed by a mother who recognizes no boundaries and sees her child as an extension of herself. Such a mother leaves no room for individuality or mutual growth.

The family motifs reflect certain underlying themes: dedication to an ideal, religious beliefs, escapism, and addiction. The soul may be expected to sacrifice itself for others, or the parents believe it is right to sacrifice themselves for their child. Personal space and individual boundaries are rare. The ambience is symbiotic and undifferentiated, with little room for individuality. Any attempt to break free from the family is met with disbelief. An attitude of martyrdom pervades the parenting. Two keynotes are: “After all we’ve done for you…” and “What have we done to deserve this?” The positive inheritance is support for the soul’s intuition and psychic knowing. This soul is the natural medium who is in touch with other worlds.

This soul has yearned for union with the divine, so religious lives are common, as is martyrdom, mysticism, and psychic vision. This is the poet and the artist, the fisherman and the sailor.


TRINE THE SUN  Orb 2°44' Separating
Your basic nature is easy-going. You find that your emotions contribute positively to your life. You have a tendency to sit back and let things slip past rather than being assertive as you are not personally ambitious.

SQUARE MERCURY  Orb 6°22' Applying
You are indecisive, spending much time weighing up the pros and cons. This is because your feelings and thoughts are at odds. As you learn how to compromise you will develop understanding and an inner knowledge on how to act.

SQUARE VENUS  Orb 1°26' Separating
You have difficulty expressing your feelings in relationships. You feel you cannot relax and be yourself when with your loved ones. Once you have learnt to reveal your feelings in a loving manner you will develop an understanding of relationships.

TRINE PLUTO  Orb 5°32' Separating
You are a powerful person with leadership skills. You are intense, quick to get to the point, and enjoy a challenge. You understand what motivates other people.

You are being urged to come to terms with the emotional and intuitional side of your nature. You may have difficulty expressing your emotions, particularly in groups of people. However, this is an area in which you need to grow so that you can express your intuitional nature in a new way.


You are a caring and nurturing individual with a strong need for family and comfort. You may be emotional and fearful.


OPPOSITION NEPTUNE  Orb 3°56' Separating
You allow other people to tell you how to live your life because of your own lack of confidence. You have a pleasing nature and wouldn't dream of upsetting other people. Your challenge is to use your artistic and sensitive nature for the benefit of other people without losing yourself. Spending time on your own could be helpful.

TRINE PLUTO  Orb 2°48' Separating

You are a powerful person with strong leadership abilities. You know when to be assertive and when to compromise. You are able to apply yourself to the job at hand.

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